UNWORKSHOP #1 – Invisible Strings with Natalia Irina Roman
An event of TrustFUNd, curated by AK Wissen
A participatory work of art in public space.
Do you also sometimes feel that some conversations are too abstract to understand? Invisible Strings an immersive art experience that invites the public to spin colorful strings and weave them into a collective artwork, physically touching the words. We playfully connect concepts relevant to our interests and have the opportunity to contribute our own input as well. How can we communicate knowledge effectively? How can we activate public spaces? Urban practice collectives and professionals work in areas between art and architecture, and Invisible Strings builds on relevant network questions to explore these in-between spaces. How does a concrete conversation differ from an abstract one? What common interests do we share? How can art enhance our learning and mutual understanding? The installation “Invisible Strings” is a tangible conversation platform that you can not only create, but also enter.
Together with Natalia Irina Roman this workshop will be designed. Urban researcher, artist and curator, background in visual arts & public policy. Has been working since 2017 in a self-initiated cooperation with Deutsche Bahn, including the Along the Lines initiative to transform disused signal box towers into spaces for art, initiated by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds, as well as exhibitions, discussions and teaching events at Bauhaus University and UdK. www.nataliairinaroman.eu
When: 04/26, 16:30 – 18:30; Guided written reflection at / at 18:00.
Where: Across from the Urbane Praxis office, Mehringplatz 8.
Registration is requested under/ Registration: office@urbanepraxis.berlin