
Urban practicioners have gathered a lot of knowledge about selforganized city making. The association tries to make that knowledge accessible. Here you can find toolboxes, glossaries, navigators and more.

Cover der Arch+ Ausgabe über Urbane Praxis

Urbane Praxis in the Arch+

Cities are more than just concrete and glass – they are living spaces that must reflect our social, cultural and ecological needs.

Mapping (where does Berlin dance)

This mapping aims to show the spectrum and breadth of dance offerings throughout Berlin. Whether in dance schools, neighborhood centers,

PETITION: #BerlinIstKultur

The #BerlinIstKultur action platform summarizes the protests against the Berlin government’s threatened 10% cuts in the cultural sector. They began

Schlossaneignung Poster mit Bild vom Humboldtforum

PETITION: Schlossaneignung

Sign the Bundestag petition: The role of right-wing extremist forces in the financing of the Berlin Palace façades must finally

Open Call Questionarch 2024

Questionarch is looking for interested parties who would like to use the area around Lohmühlenstraße for 2024. This is an

Toolbox “Pop im Kiez”

Berlin is undergoing rapid change due to construction activities and the tourism boom. The population is growing, while old cultural venues and clubs are disappearing.

Toolbox “Urbane Wälder”

As part of the BfN-funded project, the city of Leipzig tested the creation of urban forests on three urban brownfield

Toolbox “Baurecht auf Stadt”

The Urban League’s Building Law in the City poster shows you approaches for expanding the scope of the Building Act and state building regulations for temporary, socio-cultural and public welfare-oriented projects.

Urban Spa gewinnt 10 qm Preis

Urban Spa gewinnt
10 m² Baukultur Preis

108 Einreichungen, 356 Teilnehmende, 2 Schulen, 41 Universitäten, Hochschulen, Fachbereiche und zehn Projekte zur Realisierung. Preisträger*innen des 10 m² Baukultur – Wir machen Platz für 10 Projekte zur Realisierung! stehen fest.

Raquel Gomez Bild


UPON feminist practices for climate justice (2023) focuses on (eco)feminist practices that enable the necessary and fair transformation of communities

Praxiswoche Studio Neotropico


After the successful PopUP week in 2022, Urbane Praxis e.V. will start again in 2023!

Save the date Praxiswoche: Own your city!


PRAXISWOCHE from 05. – 10. September all over Berlin!

Three practitioners in front of the "Lobby" at Alexanderplatz

The “Lobby”

The “Lobby” is the permanent representation of Urban Praxis at Alex – opposite the red town hall

Our billboard campaign

20 billboards of the Initiative Urbane Praxis are hanging at 14 underground stations in Berlin

Finally we can meet again!

Berlin Senate Senat von Berlin has adopted the Seventh Ordinance amending the Second Ordinance on Measures to Prevent Infection.