UP Aperitivo “To the source”

On Wednesday we will again have our monthly UP Aperitivo in the lobby.

A political drought is looming in Berlin. In order for us all to get through this well, we offer an open format where everything can happen that falls short in plenary: arriving and finding orientation, arguing and agreeing, exchanging views and finding common themes, remembering names and making appointments, laughing or crying together.

“Zur Quelle” is actually just a notorious Berlin pub name, but the narrative behind it goes much further. The water gushing from the spring, ensures the survival of humans and animals. As a shared resource, it requires care and mutual consideration. Thus, the spring becomes a place to linger, care and gather, where even strangers find respite.

When? 18h30 – 21h30

Where? Mehringplatz 7

Mit Support von @aron.anis und @krokette300
Zeichnung @yanncolonna