UPon – Upcoming
3:00 - 4:30 pm Talk (EN + ES) with María José Trucco and Elina Rodríguez (CRA - centro rural de arte in Cazón/Argentina): Learning with the periphery.
“UPon – Urban Practice from other nooks” is a series of informal talks that reflects on UP from an inclusive, multilingual, context-bound and feminist perspective, connecting the network with practitioners around the world, focussing on the Global South. The talks will be published in a multilingual volume at the end of the year.
UPcoming: UPon talk w/ CRA centro rural de arte (Argentina)
Friday, 16.12.2022: Talk (EN + ES) with María José Trucco and Elina Rodríguez (CRA – centro rural de arte in Cazón/Argentina): Learning with the periphery. How can peripheral practice contribute to restoring and creating interconnected flows between rural and urban public space?
3:00 – 4:30 pm (UTC+1) at “Lobby”, Mehringplatz 8 Berlin
Join us online: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81559634817?pwd=NUZ4b0hyR0o2ZWtMUy9FR3RrS2NIZz09
Meeting-ID: 815 5963 4817, Code: 754314
CRA l Centro Rural de Arte creates interdisciplinary operative platforms, where people with various knowledge interact. Residencies, workshops, talks, different ways of creation and research. Some activities are nomadic and we have alliances with places that host these experiences temporarily. We do trust in rural areas. We orient our energy towards the place where raw materials are produced, we match our bodies to cyclic time, we try social forms and relations between natures diverses. CRA looks forward to overflowing itself with each alliance. An exchange that stimulates desires.
A project from Valeria Schwarz and Lorène Blanche Goesele for UP International Network
photos: c- CRA l Centro Rural de Artegraphic design: Stephanie Becker
Diese Gesprächsreihe wird im Rahmen des Ausbaus der Netzwerkstelle Urbane Praxis, getragen von Urbane Praxis e.V. von der Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Bauen und Wohnen unterstützt.
Credit: CRA – Centro Rural de Arte, 2014