PLANETARY CONFLUENCES: streaming riparian solidarities

englisch, deutsch Lilienthalstraße 32, 10965 Berlin
12.-13.07.2024, Floating University in Berlin How can we shape the future of the planet from an activist-artistic-scientific practice? How can
Foto Credit Garance Maurer.

12.-13.07.2024, Floating University in Berlin

How can we shape the future of the planet from an activist-artistic-scientific practice? How can we address climate change based on the hopes and struggles of the most affected communities? How can we address ecological interdependence in contexts characterised by injustice, unpredictability and rapid urban change?

These are the questions we encounter together with artists, activists and scientists from sister projects during our festival with workshops, performances, talks, screenings and food. 

All events are free and open to all bodies.Full program: