Polylemma Booklaunch
On February 25, we invite you to the book launch – starting at 4 p.m. at the Architekturforum Aedes. We
On February 25, we invite you to the book launch – starting at 4 p.m. at the Architekturforum Aedes. We want to celebrate the book together, toast it with you and present it in a small ceremony with live music.
Polylemma has been published in German and English and is available online and in bookshops.
German: https://www.jovis.de/de/book/9783868596724
Englisch: https://www.jovis.de/en/book/9783868597387
Adress: Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, Christinenstr. 18–19, 10119 Berlin
registration: afb@raumlabor-berlin.de