What’s next for the streetcar depot?

office@urbanepraxis.berlin deutsch, englisch
From May 13-17, architecture students from the University of Kassel and the University of Stuttgart will develop strategies for the smallest possible intervention as an impulse and basis for discussion for the future development of the streetcar depot in Belziger Straße.
Eent Wie geht es weiter mit dem Straßenbahndepot? Flyer

The tram depot becomes a projection screen. In the 2017/18 participation process, citizens expressed the need for a socio-cultural use at the site. The Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion plans to use two ships for the rehearsal stages of Berlin’s theaters. The district is interested in a socio-cultural use of the third ship. A feasibility study is now to be carried out to examine the Senate Department for the Interior and Sport’s plans to use the building as a police and fire department museum. What happens next? Is a conversion in the interests of the residents and the district still realistic in the future? Can a democratic place for the neighborhood be created in the meantime?

Location: Heinrich-Lassen-Park*
*(in the event of bad weather conditions in Rathaus Schöneberg)