Future calendar now for home!

The Urban Practice Future Calendar "FUTURE VISIONS #URBANEPRAXIS 2023+" is now available!

This calendar presents visions of community-oriented, self-organized and experimental urban transformation processes in Berlin and beyond.

Month after month, utopias of the urban future are presented, from an IBA of urban practice, to a car-free city of Berlin. This was done in the context of a writing workshop, accompanied by the Institute for Applied Heterotopia, members of Urbane Praxis e.V. in 2022 developed visions of the future for Berlin in the next twelve years. The Future Calendar, along with the Urban Practice Action Plan, serves as the basis for conversations about enabling and sustaining Urban Practice in Berlin.

The calendar was published by the Netzwerkstelle Urbane Praxis and Urbane Praxis e.V. The texts were written by the members of Urbane Praxis e.V. The editing was done by Kristin Lazarova and Nina Peters, while the illustrations were done by Grit Koalick. The graphics and layout were created by Chantal Dübel and Claudia Müller.

You also want to order a future calendar for free? Just send us a direct message or an email to kommunikation@urbanepraxis.berlin with the number of calendars you want and your name and address.