Monday #popUPwoche
This is the program for monday during pop-up week.

When: 2pm – 4pm
Where: between East Side Mall and Ostbahnhof
What: With the help of an app developed by Radical Data, we will jointly investigate public and pseudo-public space in an exemplary piece of Berlin and become aware of its boundaries and limitations. want to join? write us:
Guerilla Architects ist an artist collective based in berlin. Questions of political, legal, and spatial gray areas are the focus of her spatial interventions and socially critical art projects.
Radical Data is a collective that uses data and develops tools for resistance and alternative futures.

When: 2pm – 5pm
Where: Grüner-Salon of Volksbühne Berlin
What: Urbane Praxis kitchen inventury: S27 – Kunst und Bildung, Dawn Weleski, Food-Netzwerk (Paula Erstmann und Yann Colonna), SumSum Catering (Nafei Abou Assi)
Cooking and eating as “urban practice” means understanding food in its social, cultural and political dimensions and developing new creative models from this perspective. The creation of a “Food Network,” a “Kitchen Inventory” of Urban Practice during UP Pop-Up Week and beyond brings stakeholders from the kitchens into the public eye. Discourse, exchange, cohesion and care are the basis of our common work and are demonstrated during the UP week. Over a snack-in, we will get to know each other, discuss the basis and direction of our projects, formulate our needs, and create a shared kitchen inventory. Dawn Weleski enriches us with input from and about the Conflict Kitchen project in Pittsburgh. From 5 pm finish at the Aperitivo Bar.

When: 7pm
Where: Heizhaus in den Uferstudios, Uferstr. 23 13357 Berlin
What: Ping Pong game with guests combined with current political debates. Every second and fourth tuesday Hosts: Sheena McGrandles, Olympia Bukkakis u.a. Over the coming dark cold months, the Uferstudios heating house will become a friendly gathering place. Artists, friends & neighbors warm hearts and spaces with disco for all, music, improvisations, performances, ping pong & debate, book clubs, drag shows, film nights and lots of movement: Hip-Hop, Vogueing, Kalari Dance, open trainings! By framing the Heizhaus as a cultural community center for the next few months, we want to try out other ways of being together.
PSR, is an artist collective. Members: Sheena McGrandles, Olympia Bukkakis, Lea Martini, Angela Alves, Ela Spalding, Dina Nurpeissova und Simone Willeit, nutzt und organisiert das Heizhaus der Uferstudios sowie das angrenzende Tanzstudio 16 in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Café ACaU und dem Kollektiv neue häute sowie den Partnern der Uferstudios. PSR experiments with spaces and situations between theater and everyday life, initiating and rehearsing encounters between people who would not otherwise meet, between different fields of art and life.