DESINC LIVE Workshop at Stadtwerk mrzn
Last week an exciting and intensive workshop took place at Stadtwerk mrzn

From 28. June to 4. July, an exciting and intensive workshop with international students, trainees of Schlesische 27 and NGO workers took place at Stadtwerk mrzn.
In the context of the Workshop, which is part of the EU-project DESINC LIVE – Designing and Learning in the Context of Migration, students, designers from different civil society initiatives, interested neighbors and urban practitioners took Stadtwerk mrzn as example to rethink city and space.
There were discussions about new urban design, utopias, cohabitation, climate change, architecture and new concepts for an open and heterogeneous community.
Very different aspects played a role in the workshop: craftsmanship is just as important as thinking together, cooking, cleaning up, resting or carework.
Fotos © : Luisa Durrer, S27 Kunst und Bildung