Solve the housing crisis sustainably!

A discussion on a socially just turnaround in construction in times of crisis
Wohnungskrise Nachhaltig lösen

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The Dragonerareal is located directly at the U6 Mehringdamm station. From there it is
150 m to the container.

The climate crisis and the housing affordability crisis are inextricably linked and have a particularly severe impact on people who already have few resources at their disposal.
Nevertheless, too little attention is still being paid in political debates to the socially just design of the building and housing turnaround that is absolutely necessary to achieve climate neutrality by 2045.

A discussion with:

Irmela Colaco, BUND
Bernhard Daldrup, Sprecher der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion im Ausschuss für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung, Bauwesen und Kommunen
Prof. Gabu Heindl, Universität Kassel
Maurice Höfgen, Ökonom und Autor
Moderation: Angelika Hinterbrandner

Location: Kiezraum Dragona Areal
Date: 22. Februar 2024 19:00