Citizen participation in block 616
Following the first StadtWERKSTATT this summer, we are now entering the next round: StadtWERKSTATT II concludes the first stage of the urban planning workshop process and offers residents the opportunity to express their opinions on the designs submitted by the four invited offices. The aim is to gather feedback on the drafts and adapt the task for the second stage of processing. In the second stage, the offices will refine and concretize their designs.
We particularly encourage local residents to take part in the event, as they will have the opportunity to influence further planning and future development. Your opinions and ideas are very important to us in shaping the neighborhood for the future.
Further information on the project and past events can be found here on the Baustelle Gemeinwohl website.
Please register (see the Block 616 website).
When: 12.12.2023, 17-21:00 Uhr
Where: Kantine der AOK, Friedrich Stampfer Str. 1, 10969 Berlin