Press Here you will find general press information, images and press releases on the topic of Urban Practice. General press inquiries: Fact sheet Urbane Praxis e.V. Press releases Networking event Radical Playground “Urban practice as an instrument to promote democracy“(10.06.2024) Visit “BUILD FOR FUTURE” – Practical and intercultural learning (22.05.2024) Urban Practice Annual Report 2023 (10.04.2024) Networking meeting & info event on spatial potentials in urban practice (13.02.2024) Networking meeting on urban practice & district social space-oriented planning coordination centers (13.02.24) Urban Spa wins 10 m² Baukultur Award (16.02.2024) PRAXISWOCHE 2023 (11.10.23) Photos: The authors of the images are listed in the file name where applicable, otherwise the name of the institution concerned is sufficient. Association Praxiswoche 2023 “Own your City!” Praxiswoche 2022 “Pop UP Woche” Logos: The image authors may be listed in the file name, otherwise the name of the institution concerned is sufficient. Logo black Logo green