Urbane Künste ERbeLEBEN

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URBANE Künste ERbeLEBEN is a project that has been inviting children and young people since 2018 to think about public space as creative city dwellers and to help shape it using artistic methods.

How do children and young people relate to urban space and public spaces? In cooperation with school classes, invited artists and architects create interdisciplinary workshops for pupils, during which they reflect on their understanding of urban space and bring artistic contributions into public space. What wishes, visions and demands do they have for their city?

Our aim is to rediscover the urban space together with the young people, to understand it as a learning opportunity and to playfully transform it into a platform for artistic interventions that bring together the past and the future.

Here you can have a look at the project archive: erbeleben.de/

IG: @erbeleben

Titelfoto: Er(be)leben Workshop Trojanische Fahrzeuge mit Markus Blösl, c-Yanick Spiess (2018)

A project by iCollective e.V. for the Bildungsverbund Urbane Künste.

The programme is made possible by the Department of Art, Culture and History, District Office Mitte of Berlin. The education alliance is funded by the programme “Sustainably securing and strengthening local education alliances” of the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family Affairs.

Also supported with funds from the Project Fund for Cultural Education, funding pillar 3, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg

Team in 2023:

Project management: Valeria Schwarz
Project Co-direction: Lorène Blanche Goesele

Design: Alberto Rey
Exhibition design: Ana Salom, Juan Chacón

Film and photography: Elma Riza

Public Relations: Georg Zolchow

Artist: José Contreras Aguad, Lorène Blanche Goesele, Leicy Valenzuela, Malin Mohr, Marianne Ramsay-Sonneck, Kaveh Ghaemi, Rahel Jakob & Lukas Rosier, Valeria Germain, Valeria Schwarz

Partner schools: Grundschule Neues Tor, Hausburgschule, John-Lennon-Gymnasium, Max-Planck-Gymnasium, Theodor-Heuss-Gemeinschaftsschule

Teachers: Birgit Nonnast, Eliana Heredia, Frieda Henkenius, Marina Bertucelli, Mayte Schubert, Robert Günther, Sofia Ferreira, Ulrich Riedel


1.Urban Arts EXPERIENCE Workshop Shadow City Theatre at the KO Market, House of Statistics as part of the UP pop-UP Week (2022), with José Contreras Aguad, c-José Contreras Aguad

2. Urbane Künste ERbeLEBEN Workshop Wir Sind die Stadt! with José Contreras Aguad & Leicy Valenzuela, Action at the Rosenthaler Platz (2022), c-Lorène Blanche Goesele

3. Urbane Künste ERbeLEBEN Workshop on exhibition opening Die Solidarische Stadt (2022), galerie weisser elefant, c-Raquel Gomez

4. Urbane Künste ERbeLEBEN Workshop with Stiftung FREIZEIT, at the documenta 15 (2022), c-Markus Blösl

5. Urbane Künste ERbeLEBEN Workshop Haus der Statistik at the UP pop-UP Woche (2022), with Valeria Schwarz, c-Valeria Schwarz

6. Urbane Künste ERbeLEBEN Workshop Wir Tiere am Hackeschen Markt with Lorène Blanche Goesele, Action at the Hackeschen Markt (2022), c-Lorène Blanche Goesele

7. Urbane Künste ERbeLEBEN Workshop Bunte Visionen des Zusammenlebens withLorène Blanche Goesele, Installation at the Ortstermin Moabit (2022), c-Lorène Blanche Goesele

8. Urbane Künste ERbeLEBEN Workshop Stadt der Sinne with Malin Mohr, Action at the Kino International (2022), c-Lorène Blanche Goesele