Toolbox “How to Bau a Palast?”
One thing must be clear: there is no blueprint for the BAUPALAST. Every context is unique and needs its own specific approach.
At the same time, there are handouts and solutions that are transferable. “How to build a palace?” is a compass to help you navigate through the urban jungle. Ready to start running?
Many people not only want to live in the city, but also want to play an active role in shaping it. They question habits, organize meetings and interfere in city politics. A BAUPALAST serves as a support structure for this movement.
The Baupalast am Dragoner was an example of what can also work elsewhere: Urban practice as a central component of complex neighborhood development. Urban practice refers to working directly on the cultural level of the city beyond disciplines and responsibilities.
Various collectives have come together under the organizational umbrella of an association to test such an urban laboratory: Constructlab, Guerilla Architects, the Institut für Angewandte Heterotopie, the film production OFFscreen, the Kairo Kulturkiosk, the bicycle workshop fahrrad3000 and the Books People Places team. They formed the foundation for an open and expanding network of city makers in the context of those already active in the Rathausblock model project.
Attached you’ll find the toolbox “How to Bau a Palast?”