Toolbox “Urban Design Thinking”
The appropriation of urban space by means of urban design thinking.
The appropriation of urban space by means of urban design thinking.
The starting point for every appropriation project is, on the one hand, the choice of the right location and, on the other, the creative central idea. Basically, two things are possible: the idea for the design already exists, or it has yet to be found.
What can this toolbox do?
The Urban Design Thinking model was used to develop a six-stage process for finding the creative central idea. As with any successful open space development, this process should focus on the needs of the users. The process begins with the search for a location and observation and extends from brainstorming to planning the action. This investment makes sense at the outset, especially if you intend to use and play with the system over the long term.
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Grafik: Stadtstattstrand
Text: Stadtstattstrand