Workshop: Office for urban cross-sectional tasks
Together with already established intermediary examples, Runder Tisch Liegenschaften and IniForum, the Initiative Urbane Praxis is organising a workshop about
In the framework of the FreiRaumkonferenz and of StadtWERKSTATT, we, Initiative Urbane Praxis, organise on
18 August from 12.00-15.00 at the Dragoner area in the Adlerhalle (Eagle hall) (Obentrautstr. 19-21, at the Dragoner area/Rathausblock, behind the Finanzamt Kreuzberg, 10963 Berlin-Kreuzberg)
the workshop: Office for urban cross-sectional tasks.
In the workshop, we will discuss the structure, profile and connection of a new office for urban cross-sectional tasks together with the Initiative Stadt NeuDenken, the Runder Tisch Liegenschaftspolitik and the Initiativen Forum as well as representatives of already established intermediary structures from Berlin (AKS Gemeinwohl), guests from other cities (Zwischen Zeit Zentrale Bremen) as well as representatives of the Berlin administration and researchers (BBSR). It is intended to drive the opening up and use of city/space reserves for cultural participation, arts and socio-culture and to promote lively structural changes. This means: mediating, bundling knowledge, taking up interdepartmental city topics, securing existing places and creating space for cooperative, non-commercial and interdisciplinary urban culture + urban development.
Together we address these questions in the workshop. What are the needs of the practitioners and the administration? How can the office cooperate with the administration and city makers as an agile, creative interface in public welfare-oriented urban production? How can existing structures be used or synergies be created without setting up costly new structures? How can interdepartmental cooperation in the administration and in the exchange with the office be designed?
The first part of the workshop (12:00-13:45) is open to all interested parties with various inputs from the field and will be streamed from the Adlerhalle at the Dragoner area.
In the second part (14:00-15:00), there will be various work tables live on site where participants can get actively involved.
Registration on the website of Baustelle Gemeinwohl
Stream through the website der FreiRaumkonferenz
On Facebook
Part 1: is streamed
12:00-12:25Welcome and introduction
Presentation of the Urban Practice Initiative and the need for an intermediary interdepartmental structure
12:25-13:45 Inputs from the praxis
– Why are intermediaries needed? (Stephan Willinger, urban researcher, Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) at the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR))
– Intermediaries outside the administration: Zwischen Zeit Zentrale Bremen (Daniel Schnier, ZZZ Bremen)
– Intermediaries inside and outside the administration: Arbeits- und Koordinierungsstruktur Gemeinwohlorientierte Stadtentwicklung (Working and coordination structure for community-oriented urban development) (Theresa Martens, AKS Gemeinwohl)
– Intermediaries within the administration: Pankow Urban Development Office and Pankow District Office (Gudrun Kobs, Head of Coordination of Infrastructure Location Development (KIS), Urban Development Office, Dept. Urban Development and Citizens’ Services, District Office Pankow of Berlin and Ulrike Milstrey, Head of Social Space-Oriented Planning Coordination/Participation Office, District Office Pankow of Berlin).
13:45 – 14:00 Break with the Zusammenküche (Together kitchen)
Part 2: on site upon registration
14:00-14:45 Working tables
Discussion topics:
1. tasks of the office for urban cross-sectional tasks: further needs and requirements for the office on the part of the administration and practitioners
2. structure of the interface: existing structures versus new structures; networking – e.g. with committees, actor rounds, administration working groups, intermediary structures (senate level or district level); organisation of the content and structure of interdepartmental cooperation.
14:45-15:00 Conclusion