‚House of Gardeners‘ 

Berlin Mondiale x Campus Dammweg Dammweg 216, 12057 Berlin
Campus Dammweg, a former school garden of approximately 16.000m2  have been for the past 3 years a neighborhood place. Over …  ‚House of Gardeners‘ 

Campus Dammweg, a former school garden of approximately 16.000m2  have been for the past 3 years a neighborhood place. Over the last years, we have focused on creating space for diverse organizations and projects that work with the goal of building a local community with neighbors, including wildlife. This area now serves as a real-world laboratory when considering the ‚House of Gardeners‘.

Exactly what resources do community gardens need from a house of gardeners? What already exists in each community and can be shared? How can ideas be put into practice and what options are there to advance the project?

We have a network meeting on the 19th of October at 6pm, where different community garden representatives and aspiring organizers will meet, exchange ideas and discuss the already existing possibilities for creating the House. 

In addition, we have several workshops coming up, exploring the topic from different angles. 

The next one, on the 12th and 23rd of October, titled Agri/Cultural Practices will discuss environmental racism and racist environmentalism. 

Attached you`ll find a the programm and the overview.