Mitgliederversammlung Urbane Praxis e.V.

Dana deutsch, englisch Mehringdamm 20, 10961 Berlin
Invitation to the first General Meeting 2024. on Thursday, April 11, 2024, starting at 6:00 pm at Stadtwerkstatt (Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 11,

For more detailed requirements or wishes and needs, please contact

Invitation to the first General Meeting 2024.

on Thursday, April 11, 2024, starting at 6:00 pm at Stadtwerkstatt
(Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 11, 10178 Berlin). From 8:00 pm, friends and family are welcome to join us for an informal get-together.
What’s on the agenda?
We will be discussing developments from the network office and additional projects, and it’s also time for the board elections. Therefore, we look forward to a well-attended meeting with diverse perspectives. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions to the network office team and the board. We’ve prepared some engaging and interactive exercises and are excited for a stimulating evening with all of you.

The agenda at a glance:
Formalities at the beginning
Network office presents developments and plans for 2024 and 2025
Discharge of the 2023 board and election of the auditor for 2024
board election

information about the board election

The current board can look back on an exciting founding phase for the association. We have grown from a loose initiative into a well-organised structure in Berlin. In the last GM, we adopted the Code of Conduct and set a goal as an association to better reflect societal diversity within the club. Therefore, we welcome interest in board activities from individuals with experience of discrimination and marginalization. If you are interested in running or have a suggestion, please feel free to contact the network office of Urbane Praxis e.V.

The board activity includes roughly:

  • – Monthly meetings with the network office (approx. 2 hrs.) to discuss current tasks and decisions, with additional meetings as needed or for significant decisions.
  • – Vision development, orientation decisions, and strategic decisions (together with the team and, if necessary, other members).
  • – Decisions on new membership applications.
  • – In the spirit of the Code of Conduct: participation in appointments for diversity-oriented development and further education (willingness to engage with topics such as critical whiteness, etc.).

Those who would like to stand for election are welcome to contact the current board and/or the NWS so together we can organise the elections. It is envisaged that all candidates will briefly introduce themselves at the GM.

After the election, we will toast with the new board and have time to have a good time together.