Extension of the pioneer use at Haus der Statistik
Applications for concrete use proposals can be subitted until 1 November

Good news from Haus der Statistik: the pioneer use in House A and House D has been extended until April 2022 and concrete proposals for use are now being collected.
You can submit your applications until 1 November.
Space capacity:
Haus A: Karl-Marx-Allee 1
Foyer = 420 sqm
tea kitchen, barrier-free toilet
Haus D: Otto-Braun-Straße 70
Foyer + “canteen” = 404 sqm
Kitchen, barrier-free toilet
You can find the application form and further information about the premises and the application conditions (in German) here: http/hausderstatistik.org/pioniernutzungen/
Illustration: Maria Garcia