Mapping (where does Berlin dance)
This mapping aims to show the spectrum and breadth of dance offerings throughout Berlin. Whether in dance schools, neighborhood centers,
This mapping aims to show the spectrum and breadth of dance offerings throughout Berlin. Whether in dance schools, neighborhood centers,
Sign the Bundestag petition: The role of right-wing extremist forces in the financing of the Berlin Palace façades must finally
application until: 09. June 2024
The network office of Urbane Praxis e.V. is planning a series of larger networking events. On 30.05.24, 15:00-19:00, we will
Questionarch is looking for interested parties who would like to use the area around Lohmühlenstraße for 2024. This is an
How can ecological, philosophical, and political theories and issues be translated into experiential, caring practice, for inclusive and integral urban
We are looking for a motivated colleague (m/f/d) for the network office of Urbane Praxis e.V. in Berlin.
New Year – New Happiness! A motto which the general meeting of Urbane Praxis e.V. has turned upside down.
This short film shows essential moments and events of our work in the “Lobby”.
Soon a short film about the “Lobby” will be published here
Open Call by Haus der Statistik until 28 February 2022 for projects that activate the open, green and meeting space in
From February on, the “Lobby” can no longer stay at Karl-Liebknecht-Street
The exhibition SMart Cities by Er(be)leben opens on 26 November
Anna Schäffler and Rebecca Wall from the Initiative Urbane Praxis are guests at Fassadenfunk #18
The Office for urban cross-cutting tasks is regarded as an interface that
Applications for concrete use proposals can be subitted until 1 November
The “Lobby” is the permanent representation of Urban Praxis at Alex – opposite the red town hall
Kairo Kiosk invites to a feminist reading
The third newsletter of the Initiative Urbane Praxis is out!
The team from thf radio was also present during our workshop
For two of their Berlin projects and simultaneous sites of urban practice
What will this city look like in the future? With this question
On 19 July, the BAUPALAST will launch an open call for a residency for artistic research
In Spreepark, a cooperation between Grün Berlin, Clubcommission, Loop-Kollektiv and
The Call for Action of DRAUSSENSTADT is open between 7-18 June
An infossession about DRAUSSENSTADT’s Call for Action takes place on 2 June online
The jury of the Berlin Urbane Praxis Project Fund has made its selection
Berlin Senate Senat von Berlin has adopted the Seventh Ordinance amending the Second Ordinance on Measures to Prevent Infection.
In 2021, Zoë Claire Miller, Marco Schmitt und Kavita Meelu will work as Urban Praxis Residents at Floating
rand-bedingungen: Open Call for Proposals until 21 May