Offenes Transformationslabor für feuchte Fragilität

Transformationslabor für feuchte Fragilität deutsch, englisch Lilienthalstraße 32, 10965 Berlin
The open lab is a place for exchange and experimentation. Come visit us at our work in the Wet Fragility

The Floating Berlin site is accessible without steps, as are most areas of the site, including the restrooms and bar. However, some of the ramps have a gradient of up to 12%. However, some of the ramps have a gradient of up to 12%. This is an outdoor venue.

Lilienthalstraße 32, 10965 Berlin-Kreuzberg
600m walk from the subway station U-Südstern (with elevator) or by bus 104, stop: Friedhöfe Columbiadamm (Berlin).

The event will be held in German, individual explanations in English will also be possible.

The Floating has gender-neutral restrooms that are accessible without steps.

Natural light (outdoor location), sounds of nature (frogs, crows, etc.), the sounds of other people and programs on site - there is an opportunity to remove yourself from the event situation and minimize possible stimuli. During the time of the event the area is a public space, there will be passers-by, during the Clarifying Talks some people will be in conversation with each other, others will be able to listen and participate. When participating in the public lab, the number of participants will vary, with a maximum of 10 participants at a time.

There will be the possibility of free drinking water, and the bar will also be open, where drinks can be purchased on a donation basis.

The program is suitable for school children, but only when accompanied by adults. The entire area of the Floating will be accessible during the program and can serve as a play area, but only at your own responsibility. There are no special changing or breastfeeding facilities but many different rooms and also places of retreat. Parking facilities for strollers are available.

We wish to treat each other with consideration and solidarity. All information about the awareness concept can be found here
You can reach our awareness team of the practice week at the operating times under: +49 157 53 55 41 96 and on site at Mehringplatz 8 10969 Berlin.

The open lab is a place for exchange and experimentation.

Come visit us at our work in the Wet Fragility Transformation Labin the stormwater detention basin’s engineered infrastructure and join us for what’s coming up. Tell us your stories about water in the city and the (usually very robust) infrastructure through which it flows. We report our observations and together we invent ideas for wet and perhaps fragile processes.

Open Lab:

Place for exchange and experiment

September 5-9 14:00-18:00 at the Kreuzberg Stormwater Retention Basin, Lilienthalstraße 32, 10965

Event location:

Offenes Labor

in the rainwater retention basin Kreuzberg, near the Floating University, Lilienthalstraße 32, 10965 Berlin


The Wet Fragility Transformation Lab is located in the stormwater retention pond of the former Tempelhof Airport. Here we deal with the questions about the present and the future around the water infrastructure places in our city. What are these places and what happens at and with them?


This program/workshop/publication is supported by the Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing as part of the expansion of the Netzwerkstelle Urbane Praxis, carried out by Urbane Praxis e.V..