Toolbox “Toolboxes for Xtopia – New tools for future designers”
The Toolbox for Xtopia is a cordial invitation to all educational actors, cultural workers, teamers, sponsors, activists and interested parties who want to address future topics with Xtopia and contribute to a democratized future.
How can we deal with our future challenges? What ideas and methods can help develop ideas? Innovative and experience-oriented visions of the future can be developed from positive, negative and ambivalent ideas. These “Xtopias” need to be made visible and usable.
What can this toolbox do?
The toolbox is a result of the project “Urbane Xtopien – Freiräume der Zukunft”. Supported by the Robert Bosch Foundation, an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary team set out to find out how to think about the astonishing diversity of possible futures in the day after tomorrow and how to motivate and empower people to actively help shape the future.
It was important to recognize the potential of utopias (e.g. inspiration through ideal goals) and dystopias.
(e.g. warning of socio-political dangers) and at the same time emphasize the ambivalences (ambiguities, contradictions, nuances) that all visions of the future contain. This is how the concept of Xtopia came about – as a playful way of thinking about the complexity of the future and becoming an actor in shaping the future. This brochure contains four years of accumulated experience and is designed to help you develop Xtopia to suit the topics, issues and people you are dealing with.
Download here
Grafik: Toolbox für Xtopien
Text: Jasmin Jossin, Annette Voigt, u.a.