Move around the houses together – Open Call
Open Call by Haus der Statistik until 28 February 2022 for projects that activate the open, green and meeting space in

The Open Call “Moving Around the Houses Together!” at the Haus der Statistik is a call to move into the next phase of pioneering uses at Haus der Statistik.
hile the existing buildings are being renovated and made ready for reoccupation by 2024/25, the pioneer users will move into temporary buildings situated in experimental architectures along Otto-Braun-Str. and Karl-Marx-Allee. Visible and accessible, the users continue to test what is to be established in the neighbourhood in the long term in a processual and prototypical way.
The Open Call focuses on projects that activate the open, green and meeting space in front of Haus der Statistik through interaction.
It is aimed at already active pioneers, as well as new initiatives, neighbours, urban practitioners, artists and anyone with ideas for projects in and around the new architectures.
Six projects will be awarded EUR 2,500 each.
The application deadline is on 28 February 2022.
Click here to read the Open Call (DE). You can find other languages (Turkish, Arabic, Russian and English) as well as the application form on the same page.